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GSoC 2013: Week 5 of Grandham project

Last week, I implemented different parts of the application including the basics of user authorization. Also did a work on refactoring the code base, our tes...

GSoC 2013: Week 4 of Grandham project

Last week, I worked on edit book feature and design mockups. Edit book feature As you know from previous posts, we have Submission model to store every contr...

GSoC 2013: Week 3 of Grandham project

In Week 3, I was mostly designing routes and developing the submission interface for Grandham. Submission Interface Grandham should have two interfaces for ...

GSoC 2013: Week 2 of Grandham project

Week 2 of Grandham was filled with more architecture decisions and implementations. Solving the versioning problem It's quite essential to store different us...

GSoC 2013: Week 1 of Grandham project

The first week of development which started on 17th of June essentially comprises requirement analysis, planning and API implementation. Requirement Analysis...

GSoC 2013: Updates on Grandham project

A couple of weeks before, We (Anivar, Manoj and me) had a meetup with Sri K. H. Hussain who is a pioneer in library science. He has worked in many projects i...

Hello Google Summer of Code 2013

This summer I'm contributing to Swathanthra Malayalam Computing through Google Summer of Code 2013 by developing an application called Grandham, a bibliograp...