Releasing - A web app to find and share campus fest and events!

I'm very happy to release my little hobby project, a place where you can find and share campus fests across India. The backend is written in ruby using Ruby on Rails framework and I've been having a nice time developing it for the last few weekends :)

The initial spark to build it was from the experience that I've been going to campus fests in Kerala and realized the necessity for a simpler way of sharing the information regarding fests. Many times I've seen students from other states (like from Rajasthan and Haryana) attending the fests in Kerala and I wondered how they got the necessary information. Most of them told they either got a personal invitation or came to know about fest from some website. I thought about the thousands of students who were missing the opportunities because they didn't come to know about it on time. Also I've seen some campus fests without much of an outside participation. They were not able to promote the fest to interested students. I wanted to make a little solution for this and hence built Thanks to Arjun for the logo :)

To those who are interested in the technologies uses: It's written in Ruby on Rails with  MySQL database and a little jQuery. It runs in a dedicated VPS with nginx and passenger.

I hope you liked it. If you happen to find any bug, please report it to [email protected].  Thank you :)

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