Easy Clarity - Connect Easily!
'Disconnection' is a routine process in dial up internet. Here is an C++ snippet which dials BSNL WLL Clarity without asking for password again and again. It automatically closes on disconnection with a beep sound.
/* * easyclarity.cpp * * Copyright 2009 Ershad K [email protected] * Licensed under GPL Version 3 * * Please change USERNAME, PASSWORD and compile with g++ * To compile - g++ easyclarity.cpp * To execute - ./a.out */ #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; int main () { char username[] = "USERNAME"; char password[] = "PASSWORD"; puts("n EasyClarity - Connect wisely! www.ershadk.wordpress.comnn"); ofstream myfile; system("sudo wvdialconf"); myfile.open ("/etc/widial.conf"); myfile << "[Dialer Defaults]nInit1 = ATZnInit2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 " << "&C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0nInit3 = at+crm=1;+cmux=1;+cps=33;+cta=0" << "nModem Type = Analog ModemnISDN = 0nPhone = #777nModem" << " = /dev/ttyUSB0nUsername = "<<username<<"nPassword = " <<password<<"nBaud = 460800nStupid Mode = 1nAuto DNSnCheck" <<" Def Route"; myfile.close(); system("sudo wvdial"); cout << "a"; return 0; }
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