“e-FLAMES” - my latest C++ project
Hello friends,
I'm back with a new C++ project "e-FLAMES". Please don't expect more, i have just started with C++ (forgot to tell you, I'm studying in +1 CS). Here the 'e' stands for electronic (copied from"'e-mail" ;) ) , and you know what the FLAMES game is !!
we should cut similar characters in one:one ratio and count the total number of rest characters and apply them on FLAMES. I did the program in this logic and its screenshot and source is like this :
#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> #include <process.h> #include <stdio.h> void main() { int len1,len2; char name1[30],name2[30]; /* get the two names to be compared */ starty:cout<<"n"; cout<<" e-FLAMES V 1.0 "; cout<<"n ----------------"; cout<<" © 2009 Ershad.K +1 CS, B.E.M.H.S.S"; cout<<"n [email protected]"; st:cout<<"n________________________________________________________________________________"; cout<<"n Enter first name : "; gets(name1); cout<<"n Enter second name : "; gets(name2); len1 = strlen(name1); len2 = strlen(name2); ........... (click here for full source code) (click here for executable)While doing this project, i had no idea of functions and now i'm working on it to bring out a linux version of e-FLAMES using functions. The copyright logo is for fun :). Is it possible to copyright my program like this ?? Please try this work and give me comments. Thank you
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